Culver City Teen Center is a recreation and community service institution, which is in 4153 Overland Avenue. It provides a free drop-in program for residents and students attending Culver City Middle School and High School, who are from 11 years old to 18 years old.
During school year, the Teen Center is open on Monday till Friday, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. It closes on days when school is not open during summer, winter and spring breaks and most holidays. However, there would be many programs for teenagers to take part in, including UCLA Bruin Corps Tutorial Program, Homework Assistance, Youth Making Changes Program, Crafts and Games, State of the Art Computer Lab, Game Room, Youth Employment Services & Career Guidance, Community Service, Service Learning Opportunities, Sports, Special Events & Field Trips and T.V. & Lounge. In this summer, there was a special program called Summer Youth Employment Program. It provided the chance for young people, who are between the ages of 14-20 years old, to earn money with on-the-job training working in various City of Culver City departments.
In the Teen Center, there are many rooms for the members to do activities, such as the beautiful playground, the billiards room, the dinning room, the TV room and the kitchen which provides the opportunity to practice the housekeeping ability of the teenagers. The kitchen also has the space for children to do crafts.
Helping children to understand the mixture of culture is a core of the activities in Teen Center. On the wall of the TV room, there is a large world map, which can help children to know the locations of happening news on the television. It also can let children understand the different world of their own.
They have different kinds of classes offered to children. They charge for all the classes but if a children come from a low income family, the fees will be cut down.
All the children come from different background, different from each other in family income, religious, color, etc.
"To work with a child, a social worker must to be a smart one and know how to make fun with little things"

Culver City, CA is relatively peaceful and quiet city. On our visit to the neighborhood on the corner of Washington Blvd and Corinth (DMV), we were able to notice similarities and contrasts to what we saw on our first day at Culver City. There weren’t any statues, monuments, or fountains in the part of town. The neighborhood was made up with mostly small businesses. The type of business that was most prevalent was Dentistry; there seemed to be two dental offices on every corner! We saw auto body shops and auto insurance vendors. Not surprising, since the DMW office seemed to be the main attraction. The neighborhood was mainly residential with quite a few apartments (there were a lot for rent). When we were walking around trying to find preschools, we noticed a Christian (perhaps Catholic) school. The neighborhood seems to be relatively calm and quiet. Although there were any apparent signs of gang activity ( i.e. graffiti), this area seemed to be less wealthy than what I saw in downtown Culver City on Thursday.
There are two bus lines that run through Culver City, The Culver City bus and the Santa Monica Blue bus. People of lower income and young people seem to be the main people who ride the bus. Everyone was really nice and willing to help with outside questions. An important part of this area was the library. We saw people of all ages using the facilities very respectfully. There was actually a group of people waiting to get in before it even opened. We were able to get very useful information about the neighborhood and what specific public services Culver City has to offer. We found flyers for preschools, WIC program, and Venice Family Clinic. They pretty much had information on anything you needed. The fact that they have computers with internet access is a plus as well. Many people cannot afford computers so the library offers free internet access, where residents/guests can research about more of Culver City’s services.
Walking around there wasn’t a lot of hustle and bustle. It wasn’t as touristy as downtown Culver City. Everyone pretty much kept to themselves and ran their Saturday morning errands. Adjacent to where we were, bigger retail stores were available. Interestingly, I didn’t see one cop car driving by. However, the traffic control was felt through the presence of cameras at certain intersections. Once again, not as much as downtown. Culver City is very well-maintained. It seems that the residents do pride themselves in what Culver City stands for and what their community has to offer.